In the middle of one of the most polluted, noisy and fragmented landscapes in Europe, Hans Bruyneel uses heightened colours to depict large, cinematic, natural landscapes. It can seem on first sight that the artist wants to escape the acute lack of open space and nature around him by painting uplifting nature with the beautiful tints of a spectacular sunset. But, instead of praising the beauty of the landscape, these canvases actually project an artificial and ominous world. The painter does not invite the observer with a grand gesture to imagine themselves walking around those landscapes. Instead, he allows the apprehensive observer to stand at the edge of the image. In other words, these are not real landscapes; they are just artificial screens, images of landscapes that appear on a canvas, cinematic flights of fancy.
Leopoldplein 9, 3500 Hasselt
Tel.: +32 11 22 60 10 Email: